Who Doesn’t Need Coil Rod?!

Make Sure You Always Have Some!

Coil Rod is used for a wide variety of forming applications, including form ties, inner units and Coil Tie combinations. So why wouldn’t you have every size in stock?! And you should probably carry a supply of Euro Rod, too.

It’s just one of those items contractors expect you to have on hand because it can be used in so many different forming situations.

It’s available in standard 12′ lengths, and in all the typical diameters. It’s also available cut-to-size, with optional left-hand thread, or even with a galvanized finish.

And don’t forget, you may need Flat Washers and Coil Nuts to complete the package.

Contact your SureBuilt representative right now and add a supply of Coil Rod and Euro Rod to your next shipment.

American products, made by American metalworkers, for American contractors.