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  • Dowel Sleeves for Lumber Edge Forms Positioning smooth dowels with lumber edge forms is easy with the plastic Dowel Sleeve and Nailing Plate. The plate is attached to the form at the required spacing and the sleeve is pushed onto the plate before concrete placement. When the lumber edge forms are removed, a smooth steel […]

  • Another Way to Form Concrete Some parts of the country prefer to build their own concrete forms using coil ties and plywood. That’s why we make resistance-welded Coil Ties with the strength, performance and safety needed for most job-built plywood forming. They’re available in almost any configuration, including: – 1/2″, 3/4″ 1″, and 1-1/4″ diameters […]

  • Make Sure You Always Have Some! Coil Rod is used for a wide variety of forming applications, including form ties, inner units and Coil Tie combinations. So why wouldn’t you have every size in stock?! And you should probably carry a supply of Euro Rod, too. It’s just one of those items contractors expect you […]

  • Insulated Panels Using FRP Truss More insulated panel producers are switching to FRP Truss… that might surprise you, but here’s what they said: “There are a lot of different connectors for insulated concrete walls, but most are not very good and the others are too expensive.” “We’ve found the FRP Truss to have the lowest […]

  • Ask Us About the Stud Rail Solution! Using Stud Rail can eliminate the need for column capitals and decking cut-outs. This provides some big savings, especially since these column details are often time-consuming to form and place. Stud Rail, a double-headed stud anchor system, simplifies these deck-to-column connections. The system is designed to transfer the […]

Made Proudly in the USA

SureBuilt Concrete Forms & Accessories is a U.S.A. manufacturer of concrete construction products, including: form ties, SurePly forms, shoring, Stud Rail, Staybox, pipe braces, dowels, area wells, tilt-up and precast hardware. With locations in Chicago, Tampa, Houston, Los Angeles and Chattanooga, SureBuilt supplies independent dealers and their contractor customers throughout North America.

Take Our Factory Tour

Concrete construction products have been made at our Bellwood, IL factory for more than 40 years.

With more than 320,000 sq. feet under roof, there has been room to change and grow. We always seem to be installing new equipment and updating existing work cells, making the ongoing “Made In U.S.A.” mission even more efficient, effective and competitive.