
It’s Okay to be Square
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E2N Square Dowel and Tube
The E2N Square Dowel and Tube is designed for joint activation and horizontal movement of existing-to-new concrete, without restraint.
The E2N Square Dowel and Tube has compressible foam on both sides of the…

Score More on a Concrete Floor
Latest NewsDowel Assembly for Concrete Floor and Pavement Joints
The SureDowel Basket provides joint stability, reliable load transfer and smooth slab-to-slab transition, in a single cost-effective assembly. The basket assembly minimizes joint spalling,…

Paving the Way
Latest NewsThe new ECO Dowel Basket provides long lasting joint stability, reliable load transfer and smooth slab-to-slab transition, in a single cost-effective assembly.

New Taper Dowel for Slabs!
Latest NewsThe diamond-shaped Taper Dowel is an engineered load transfer system for horizontal movement in concrete floors.
The Taper Dowel set includes a plastic void sleeve and dowel plate. The sleeve is nailed to the edge form before concrete placement. After the forms are removed, the dowel plate is inserted in each sleeve in preparation for the adjoining slab.

Night Moves…
Latest NewsDowel Baskets After Dark! These Dowel Baskets are part of the new Lakeland Dragstrip Commercial Park in Florida. The basket provides the load transfer and smooth slab-to-slab transition needed for this 700,000 square foot project. […]

You’ll be Floored!
Latest NewsTake A Look At All The Options! New dowel and joint systems for engineered load-transfer in concrete slabs and pavement. Stop searching for suppliers and call SureBuilt right now! Taper "Diamond" Dowels, Dowel Baskets, Round "Smooth" Dowel Sleeves (Construction and Expansion Joint Type), Steel Edge Nosing, Square Dowels […]

A Real Gem!
Latest NewsDiamond-Shaped Taper Dowel
The size and diamond-shape of the Taper Dowel provides joint stability, load transfer and smooth slab-to-slab transition, without restraining floor movement.
A set includes the void sleeve, nails and dowel plate.…

The Sparks are Flying!
Latest NewsNew Dowel Basket for Slabs!
We know how to make 'em... and we're making a lot of 'em... the sparks are really flying!
The new Dowel Basket provides joint stability, load transfer and slab transition, in a single cost-effective assembly.…

From the Ground Floor Up!
Latest NewsNew SureBuilt dowel products
SureBuilt is penetrating a new sector of the concrete construction industry with the introduction of engineered joint stability systems for concrete floors. New dowel products from SureBuilt include the diamond-shaped…

A Tisket, A Tasket…A New SureBuilt Basket!
Latest NewsSureBuilt Concrete Floor Dowel Systems
Dowel Baskets - Plate dowel assemblies for efficient load transfer in concrete floors and pavement contraction joints.
We know how to make 'em... and we're already making a lot of 'em... so start…