See You in Las Vegas!
We're looking forward to renewing old friendships and making new ones... stop by SureBuilt, booth N711, to say hello!
We're displaying some products you may be familiar with and featuring some new ones that you… 09:26:412024-01-08 09:26:41Stop by Booth N711 and Say Hello
Don't Miss a Single Thing!
Even some long-time customers are surprised by the list of SureBuilt products. Be sure you know what we make, especially those of you new to the industry, so you don't miss out on the best value in concrete construction… 09:04:152024-01-02 09:04:15I Didn’t Know You Made That!
Another Tilt-Up Innovation!
The high-capacity, and now patented*, Modular Brace, means up to 50% fewer braces for many tilt-up applications. Of course, fewer braces reduce your brace inventory, job site handling, panel attachment and… 07:04:222023-12-27 07:05:53Modular Brace Now Patented
"We Love This Method!"
In February, district and West Point leaders broke ground on a new $103.4 million junior high school to be built in West Point, Utah. The school is needed to accommodate the growing number of students in that part…
See You in Las Vegas!
We're looking forward to renewing old friendships and making new ones... stop by SureBuilt, booth N711, to say hello!
We're displaying some products you may be familiar with and featuring some new ones that you… 08:35:462023-12-11 08:35:46World of Concrete 2024
Be a Concrete Form Panel Expert!
A handset panel is the most economical, the most versatile, and the most efficient way of forming large or small projects!
Here are just a few of the more noteworthy features you should be sharing with your… 09:00:212023-12-05 09:00:37Join the Panel Discussion
Your Purchases Really Do Matter!
While all the importers are busy sourcing products from South Korea and who-knows-where-else, the employees at SureBuilt are busy making the things you need right now in US factories.
Why wonder whether… 10:00:482023-11-27 10:00:48Stop Waiting for the Next Container
And We Have Lots to be Thankful For!
As we approach the holiday and the end of another year, we have a lot to be thankful for:
Thankful for our customers - We've made new friends and shipped to lots of new locations. We've tried our… 07:37:132023-11-20 07:37:13Thankful Once Again
E2N Square Dowel and Tube
The E2N Square Dowel and Tube is designed for joint activation and horizontal movement of existing-to-new concrete, without restraint.
The E2N Square Dowel and Tube has compressible foam on both sides of the… 07:40:162023-11-13 07:40:16It’s Okay to be Square
Concrete construction pros know that SureBuilt handset forms and hardware are reliable tools-of-the-trade... pouring more concrete, in less time, with fewer issues.... that’s because every panel and filler meets or exceeds the industry… 07:04:572023-11-06 07:04:57The Industry Standard for Handset Forms
Stop by Booth N711 and Say Hello
Latest NewsI Didn’t Know You Made That!
Latest NewsModular Brace Now Patented
Latest NewsJob Story: Helical Ground Anchors
Latest NewsWorld of Concrete 2024
Latest NewsJoin the Panel Discussion
Latest NewsStop Waiting for the Next Container
Latest NewsThankful Once Again
Latest NewsIt’s Okay to be Square
Latest NewsThe Industry Standard for Handset Forms
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