All New Modular Brace!

The new Modular Brace means 50% fewer braces for typical tilt-up applications. Of course, fewer braces reduce brace inventory, job site handling, panel attachment and dismantling time. Lots of savings.   And the savings don't stop there. There are 50% fewer brace inserts, 50% fewer brace attachments, 50% fewer bolts, 50% fewer man-lifts, and 50% fewer shipments. [...]

From the Ground Up

Stop cutting and fumbling with lumber blocks. Start forming faster with the reusable 9x11 Edge Form Bracket. The new bracket can be nailed, screwed or glued to lumber and concrete surfaces. Brackets can be stripped, stacked, saved and reused. The one-piece, wedge-shaped plastic design braces tilt-up edge forms. The Edge Form Bracket has a 9” side for thinner slabs (9” to 11”) and a 11” side for thicker slabs (11” to 13”). Both faces of the bracket have holes for attachment. [...]

It Comes Down to the Plywood!

It Comes Down to the Plywood! A handset form might not be worth the money without a high-quality plywood face. After all, the appearance of the concrete and life of the form comes down to the plywood. The type of wood, number of veneers, laminating pressure, final sanding and overlay, all make a difference in plywood performance and longevity. In the side-by-side picture, you can see the extra veneers in SureBuilt birch compared to brand X. [...]

Ongoing Price Uncertainty

Since many of you handle rebar and mesh, you already know the cost of steel items has been erratic and delivery unpredictable. The same is true for the green rod, wire and steel shapes we purchase every day. While we always do what we can to counter cost increases with product improvements and/or manufacturing efficiency, we find it necessary in this instance, to temporarily suspend "standard" pricing. We will be reviewing every RFQ and PO, checking raw material availability, evaluating quantities and prices, and replying with a limited time confirmation and commitment. [...]

Stop Waiting for Imports!

American products... made by American metalworkers... for American contractors and their crews! We make thousands of concrete construction products right here in the U.S. You’ll recognize some, but there are others you need to learn more about. Look through the Concrete Construction Products brochure to get acquainted with all the SureBuilt products. [...]
Unique anchor provides simple panel-to-foundation connection without welding or bolting

Engineer-approved… Contractor-preferred!

Approved and specified by engineers... preferred and installed by more contractors... saves up to 37% compared to typical embed methods. The Slant Anchor* connects tilt-up or precast panels to the foundation. The assembly includes the load-rated Slant Anchor, Void Former, high-strength Ductile Bar and pre-packaged Grout [...]
Slab Bolster is used to support rebar and mesh at the proper elevation in concrete slabs

You Can Count On Our Support!

Slab Bolster is used to support rebar and mesh at the proper elevation in concrete slabs. Continuous High Chair is also used to support rebar and mesh at the proper elevation in concrete slabs. Beam Bolster is used to support rebar at the proper elevation in beam form soffits. Legs are spaced 2-1/2” on-center and spot-welded to resist bending. Learn more about all our Bar Support products.

Need It In Blue?

SurePly is one of the only all-American forming systems available in 12 optional colors. Try getting that from one of the other suppliers! Using the SurePly system is the most economical, most versatile, and most efficient way to form concrete! The 12 different options for baked-on powder coating leaves a smooth, durable, and more weather-resistant finish on every single piece of forming equipment we manufacture. […]
The secret to the Modular Brace is a plate-to-plate connection with four torqued bolts (min 150 ft-lbs). This turns a selection of components into a single fixed unit.

Fewer Tilt-Up Braces… More Savings!

The new Modular Brace requires 50% fewer braces for a typical tilt-up application. Of course, fewer braces reduce brace inventory, job site handling, panel attachment and dismantling time. The first real tilt-up bracing innovation in fifty years... the modular design covers more sizes... the higher capacity supports larger panels... and that means savings on every job! […]

What Do You See?

Stop cutting lumber blocks for bracing and start forming faster with the reusable Edge Form Bracket. The one-piece plastic design is a wedge-shape that braces tilt-up edge forms. Edge Form Brackets can be nailed, screwed or glued to the lumber or concrete. […]