Dowel Sleeves for Lumber Edge Forms
Positioning smooth dowels with lumber edge forms is easy with the plastic Dowel Sleeve and Nailing Plate.
The plate is attached to the form at the required spacing and the sleeve is pushed onto the… 08:13:082023-10-30 08:13:08A Little Something Up Your Sleeve
Is it Possible that SureBuilt is the Only Remaining All-USA Maker of Handset Forms?!
As more companies source panels in Asia and other companies shut down US production altogether, SureBuilt is still standing!
Maybe because it's the… 19:59:362023-10-23 19:59:36The Last One Standing 07:11:062023-10-16 07:11:06Right on the Nose
Dowel Assembly for Concrete Floor and Pavement Joints
The SureDowel Basket provides joint stability, reliable load transfer and smooth slab-to-slab transition, in a single cost-effective assembly. The basket assembly minimizes joint spalling,… 07:39:472023-10-09 07:39:59Score More on a Concrete Floor
American products... made by American metalworkers... for American contractors!
We make thousands of concrete construction products, some you already know and others you need to learn more about:
Floor Dowels (new doweling systems)
Stud… 07:08:252023-10-02 07:08:25Why Wait for China
Helical Ground Anchors for Better Bracing
Stop by Booth #107 at the Tilt-Up Expo to learn all about SureBuilt tilt-up products, including the Helical Ground Anchor!
The Helical Ground Anchor (HGA) provides an engineered alternative… 11:50:572023-09-21 11:50:57No More Concrete Deadmen
Stop by Booth #107 at the Tilt-Up Expo to learn all about the latest SureBuilt tilt-up products, including SureLift Inserts!
The SureLift Insert is designed for lifting tilt-up panels. The insert develops high pull-out strength for… 11:46:202023-09-21 11:46:36SureLift Inserts at Tilt-Up Expo
Learn More at the Tilt-Up Expo in Tampa
We're planning to be in Tampa for the Tilt-Up Expo 2023 and we're planning to showcase more innovative products to make your tilt-up projects go up even faster.
Edge Form Bracket - A one-piece,… 19:52:582023-09-13 19:52:58Tilting Things in Your Favor
And the Savings Don't Stop There!
The high-capacity Modular Brace means 50% fewer braces for typical tilt-up applications. Of course, fewer braces reduce brace inventory, job site handling, panel attachment and dismantling time. Lots…
Everything From Brackets to Braces!
We'll be in Tampa on September 19-21 for the Tilt-Up Expo 2023. Plan to stop at the demo area and SureBuilt booth to learn about all the latest innovations, everything from simple Edge Form Brackets,… 10:32:362023-08-08 10:35:27See You at the Tilt-Up Expo!
A Little Something Up Your Sleeve
Latest NewsThe Last One Standing
Latest NewsRight on the Nose
Latest NewsScore More on a Concrete Floor
Latest NewsWhy Wait for China
Latest NewsNo More Concrete Deadmen
Latest NewsSureLift Inserts at Tilt-Up Expo
Latest NewsTilting Things in Your Favor
Latest NewsBigger Braces… Bigger Savings
Latest NewsSee You at the Tilt-Up Expo!
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