Something Up Our Sleeve

Dowel Sleeves for Lumber Edge Forms Positioning smooth dowels with lumber edge forms is easy with the plastic Dowel Sleeve and Nailing Plate. The plate is attached to the form at the required spacing and the sleeve is pushed onto the plate…

Plywood Forming with Coil Ties

Another Way to Form Concrete Some parts of the country prefer to build their own concrete forms using coil ties and plywood. That's why we make resistance-welded Coil Ties with the strength, performance and safety needed for most job-built…

Who Doesn’t Need Coil Rod?!

Make Sure You Always Have Some! Coil Rod is used for a wide variety of forming applications, including form ties, inner units and Coil Tie combinations. So why wouldn't you have every size in stock?! And you should probably carry a supply…

Better Insulated Panels

Insulated Panels Using FRP Truss More insulated panel producers are switching to FRP Truss... that might surprise you, but here's what they said: "There are a lot of different connectors for insulated concrete walls, but most are not…

No More Column Capitals

Ask Us About the Stud Rail Solution! Using Stud Rail can eliminate the need for column capitals and decking cut-outs. This provides some big savings, especially since these column details are often time-consuming to form and place. Stud…

The Tariffs are Real, Your Business has Changed

Great Products Without the Upcharge! It's a hard fact. Imported products are really going to cost you! For example, steel imports from China have a 25% tariff (Section 232) cleand fabricated construction items imports from China have…

The Gang is Only as Good as the Waler

A Waler for Every Forming System Contractors put together lots of gangs, but they don’t always have the Waler they need... the one thing that maximizes productivity! Walers are used to align panels, carry taper tie loads and maximize…

Job Story: Kalahari Resort

Monster Water Park... Monster Modular Braces Kalahari Resorts, known for having the biggest indoor water parks in America, is building a fifth resort in Virginia. The huge 1.4 million square foot resort includes 907 guest rooms and a 175,000-square-foot…

Tariff FACT – SureBuilt Now Has 7 USA Factories!!

Industry Leading QC and 7 USA Factories! Yes, the construction product supply chain again seems messed up, and potentially heading toward worse. Remember COVID?! Here's what we do know: Yes, SureBuilt does bring in some items from…

Stop by Booth 1941 and Say Hello

Stop by the SureBuilt Display Right Now! We're looking forward to renewing old friendships and making new ones... stop by SureBuilt, booth 1941, to say hello! We're ready to help with most of the things you're using every day. Here are…