Wire Truss Data Sheet

Wire Truss
Welded wire truss helps produce energy savings in precast “sandwich” panel construction
A precast sandwich panel consists of a bottom layer of concrete, a middle layer of insulation, and a top layer of concrete. The Wire Truss connects these layers into a single, composite unit that is far more energy-efficient than a solid, concrete-only panel.
Wire Truss has the resiliency to expand and contract with the independent thermal-induced movements of the inner and outer concrete layers. This maintains the integrity of the panel and minimizes any thermal transfer between layers.
The design of the concrete and insulation layers
will establish the overall panel thickness and truss spacing. The panel thickness will indicate the height of the Wire Truss. The truss spacing will determine the quantity needed.
Wire Truss is used to connect the bottom and top concrete layers in a precast “sandwich” panel. Foam insulation is placed between the Wire Truss to create an energy-efficient panel.
Wire Truss
Part No.
SB Wire Truss 6”x10’
SB Wire Truss 7”x10’
SB Wire Truss 9”x10’
Wire Truss heights from 3” to 9” in 1/2” increments, lengths of 10’ or 12’, and/or a galvanized finish are available on request
Top Wire – Max .306 / Min .225 inch diameter Bottom Wire – Max .306 / Min .225 inch diameter Diagonal Wire – Max .243 / Min .192 inch diameter
The diagonal wire is welded at all the intersections of the top and bottom wires.
840 South 25th Ave Bellwood, IL 60104 708-493-9569 www.surebuilt-usa.com

1. Install bottom width mesh and place lengths of Wire Truss in predetermined locations in the form, tie securely to mesh or pre-stressed cables.
2. Place bottom layer of concrete and raise/rotate the lengths of Wire Truss to a vertical position, such that 2/3 of the Wire Truss is out of concrete.
3. Install insulation board between the lengths of Wire Truss, pressing the insulation board in and around the diagonal wires. Tape or caulk any gaps to prevent concrete from “bridging” the layers.
4. Install top width mesh or pre-stressed cables and tie securely to the Wire Truss. Place and finish top layer of concrete to complete the insulated panel.

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