The Butt Plate Waler is one of the most popular waler designs. Double 6” steel channel has 13/16” holes for 3/4” bolts, spaced on 6” centers for waler attachment hardware. The channels are positioned back-to-back and separated by a 3” gusset or spacer sleeve. The 1/2”x9”x9” steel plates have holes for end connections so different waler lengths can be combined. Butt Plate Walers are available in 2’, 3’, 4’, 6’, 8’, 10’ and 12’ lengths.
The Pafco-Style Waler looks just like the Butt Plate Waler, except for the additional 9/16” holes, spaced on 12” centers, along the bottom flanges. These flange holes provide for other types of waler attachment hardware.
The Double Channel Waler is another common waler design. Double 5” steel channels have 13/16” holes for 3/4” bolts, spaced on 6” centers, for waler attachment hardware. The steel channels are positioned back-to-back and separated by a 3” gusset or spacer sleeve.